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What we need this data in the gallery.

User name - E-mail - Title - Description - Tags - IP address

User name

Your username is used to assign your posts to a person's viewer.
This information is used by us for nothing else and of course you do not have to take your real name.


We use your email address to contact you regarding your post. You will receive an email if: You have created a post when your post has been deleted and updates when your post has been classified as "Quality" when uploading.
We will only use your email address for this purpose and will NOT forward it to third parties


This info is used to give your post a name so you can guess what's on the picture.


The description is used to give searchbooks and visitors a more detailed description of the image.


Tags are used to allow users to filter by different types of duck images

IP address

Your IP address is stored to prevent misuse of the gallery. If we notice many inappropriate posts of an IP, this will be locked.
This information is also used to treat spam. We will NOT share them with third-party providers.

Contact usIf you have any more questions.